These pictures don’t hold much significance to the eye, but to me, they hold a value only I will ever know.
However, I will try with words to explain. Last year, I took risks in every area of my life. Leaps of faith became a part of my weekly routine. As a result, I found myself in situations and places I could not explain. But every now and then, there were these moments of clarity, a sensation so all-consuming that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, and that all the purposeful, happy, and even not so happy accidents were taking me on a journey that was shaping me into a person who felt both familiar and, at the same time, like an exciting stranger.
I found myself in Padova, a city I had not mapped out or planned for, but due to a course of events, I was there, by myself. The minute I stepped into this city, I had this feeling I had been there before, although I knew I had not. I walked myself to dinner as the sun was setting and in a way that could only be felt with the heart, everything was so beautiful. I felt grateful to witness the world, to be in places I never planned to be, and to walk among people whose paths I was only crossing by the randomness of life. As the moon hung over this church, I felt the way you hope to feel when you travel, taken far, far away and at the same time, at peace. As someone who travels often, I know how this feeling is hoped for but rarely felt. But this day I felt it, so truly alone, and so truly, in the most bittersweet way… happy.